Alan Jackson
"Where Do I Go From Here" lyrics

Where Do I Go From Here

Well I came from Alabama
With a banjo on my knee
I'm going to Louisiana
My true love for to see

It'd rained all night the day I left
The weather it was dry
The sun so hot I froze to death
Susanna don't you cry

I got a long way to go
I sure feel it now
Deep down in these dusty clothes
Through another town
Backed up with capricious souls
I got a long way to go

I got a lot left to say
To the empty seat
The stood beside me through the fray
To the midnight moon
Who saw it fit to light my way
I got a lot left to say

But where do I got from here
When I'm lost out on the road
And the way's not clear
To find my way back home
I need to hear
The only voice that leads me on
So I can find my way back to you

I had a dream the other night
When everything was still
I thought I saw Susanna
Coming down the hill

A buckwheat cake was in her mouth
A tear was in her eye
Says I'm coming from the south
Susanna don't you cry

But where do I got from here
When I'm lost out on the road
And the way's not clear
To find my way back home
I need to hear
The only voice that leads me on
So I can find my way back to you

Soon we'll be in New Orleans
Then I'll look around
And when I find Susanna
I'll fall down on the ground

And if I do not find her
Then I shall surely die
And when I'm dead and buried
Susanna don't you cry

Authors: Robert Lee Castleman, Stephen Foster