Asleep At The Wheel
"Miles And Miles Of Texas" lyrics

Miles And Miles Of Texas

I was born in Lousiana
Down on the old bouyo
Rasied on shrimps and catfish
Name's good gumbo
I got the rambling fever
Said goodbye to ma and pa
Crossed that old red river
And this is what I saw

I saw miles and miles of Texas
All the stars up in the sky
I saw miles and miles of Texas
Gonna live there till I die

I rode up in to Carrolton
The craddle of the west
Just ask any cowboy
He'll tell you it's the best
I met a Texas beauty
I got friendly with her pa
I looked into her big blue eyes
This is what I saw

I saw miles and miles of Texas
All the stars up in the sky
I saw miles and miles of Texas
Gonna live there till I die

I started taming bronko's
I made every rodeo
Until I met a ruff one
His name was Devil Joe
I grabb'd hold of his bridle
To ride this old outlaw
He threw me from the saddle
And this is what I saw

I saw miles and miles of Texas
All the stars up in the sky
I saw miles and miles of Texas
Gonna live there till I die