Asleep At The Wheel
"Remember The Alamo" lyrics

Remember The Alamo

A hundred and eighty
Were challenged by Travis to die
By the line that he drew with his sword
When the battle was nigh
The man who would fight till the death cross over
But him not would live better fly
Over the line went a hundred and seventy nine

Aye-yip Santa Anna
We're killing your soldiers below
So all of Texas will know
And remember the Alamo

Jim Bowie lay dying
His powder was ready and dry
From flat on his back
Bowie killed him a few in reply
And young Davy Crockett was smiling and laughing
The challenge was fierce in his eye
For Texas and freedom
A man more than willing to die

Aye-yip Santa Anna
We're killing your soldiers below
So all of Texas will know
And remember the Alamo

A courier sent from the battlements
Bloody and loud
The words of farewell
In the letters he carried were proud
"Grieve not, little darling, my dying
If Texas is sovereign and free
We'll never surrender
And ever will liberty be"

Aye-yip Santa Anna
We're killing your soldiers below
So the rest of Texas will know
And remember the Alamo
And remember the Alamo

To the people of Texas
And all Americans in the world
Fellow citizens and compatriots

I am besieged
By a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna
I have sustained a continual bombardment
And cannonade for 24 hours
And have not lost a man
The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion
Otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword
If the fort is taken
I have answered the demand with a cannon shot
And our flag still waves proudly from the walls
I shall never surrender or retreat
Then, I call on you in the name of liberty
Of patriotism and everything dear to the American character
To come to our aid, with all dispatch
The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily
And will no doubt increase
To three or four thousand in four or five days
If this call is neglected
I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible
And die like a soldier
Who never forgets what is due to his own honor
And that of his country
Victory or death

William Barret Travis

Lt. Col. comdt
P.S. The Lord is on our side
When the enemy appeared in sight
We had not three bushels of corn
We have since found in deserted houses
80 or 90 bushels
And got into the walls
20 or 30 head of Beeves