Bobby Bare
"All-American Boy" lyrics

All-American Boy

Gather around cats and I'll tell you a story
About how to become an all-american boy
Just buy you a guitar and put it in tune
And you'll be a rocking and a rolling soon
Impressing the girls
Hitting hot licks
And all that jazz

I bought me a guitar a year ago
And I learned how to play it in a day or so
And all around town it was well understood
That I was knocking them out like Johnny B. Goode
Hot licks
Showing off
Ah, number one

Well I practiced all day
And up into the night
My papa's hair was a turning white
Cause he didn't love rock and roll
He said, "You can stay boy
But that's gotta go"
He's a square
Just didn't dig me at all

So I tooked my guitar, picks and all
Bid farewell to my poor old pa
I split for Memphis where they say "you all"
And them swinging cats are a having a ball

Yeah, they love me down there, guitar picks and all

I was rocking and bopping and getting all the breaks
And the girls all said that I had what it takes
When up steps a man with a big cigar
He said, "Come here, kid
I'm gonna make you a star
Put you on Bandstand
Buy you a cadillac
Sign here, kid"

I signed my name and became a star
Having a ball with my guitar
Driving a big, long cadillac
And fighting the girls off in my back
But they just keep a coming
Yeah, they like it

So I picked my guitar with a great big grin
And the money just kept on rolling in
And then one day my Uncle Sam
He said "Here I am
Uncle Sam needs you, boy
Take this rifle, kid
Gimme that guitar