Bobby Bare
"Where Did It Go" lyrics

Where Did It Go

It seemed like only yesterday
That I was young and strong
Lots of time to say I'm sorry
I didn't mean to do you wrong
But now time is disappearing
Like jet streams in the sky
It all went by so fast
I didn't see it pass me by

I'm wondering
Where did it go
Where did it go
I only know
That it's gone

Once somebody loved me
I know she really cared
One day I turned around
And her love was not there
All my friends have left me
Here on my own
Tomorrow's looking iffy
And yesterday's gone

I'm wondering
Where did it go
Where did it go
I only know
That it's gone

You know once I held the world
Right here in the palm of my hand
But it slipped through my fingers
Like a million grains of sand

Where did it go
Where did it go
God only know
Where it's gone, gone, gone