Bobby Darin
"Beautiful Things" lyrics

Beautiful Things

The world is full of beautiful things
Butterfly wings
Fairy tale kings
And each new day undoubtedly brings
Still more beautiful things

The world abounds with many delights
Magical sights
Fanciful flights
And those who dream on beautiful nights
Dream of beautiful things

Beautiful days for sunshine lazing
Beautiful skies and shores
Beautiful days when I can gaze
In beautiful eyes
Like yours

You wonder why the nightingale sings
Lovers have wings
People wear rings
The world is full of beautiful things
Beautiful people, too
Beautiful people
Like you

Beautiful days of sun kissed showers
Beautiful sea kissed breeze
Beautiful nights of moon kissed hours
Beautiful dreams
Like these

Our lives tick by like pendulum swings
Delicate things
Butterfly wings
Life is full of beautiful things
Beautiful people, too
Beautiful people
Like you

People like you
Just like you
People like you
Beautiful people like you