Bobby Darin
"Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter" lyrics

Who Takes Care Of The Caretaker's Daughter

Who takes care of the caretaker's daughter
While the caretaker's busy taking care?
Gee oh gosh oh gee
That's really what worries me
I see

I know the caretaker
He must take care
While he's taking care
She's alone somewhere
But who takes care of the caretaker's daughter
While the caretaker's busy taking care?

Brother John?
Who makes time with the timekeeper's daughter
While the timekeeper's busy keeping time?
Don't ask me
Who makes every scene
While he's winding his Longine?
I've no idea

You know that the timekeeper
Must keep time
And someone's gotta
Make her ticktock chime
So who makes time with the timekeeper's daughter
While the timekeeper's busy keeping time?

Who gets tense with the tentmaker's daughter
While the tentmaker's busy making tents?
Of course, I'm talking about Omar Khayam
Yeah, well, that's exactly who I am
I didn't recognize you without your shirt on

You know Papa Khayam
He must make tents
While he's making tents
Tell me who's making sense?
Yes, who gets tense with the tentmaker's daughter
While the tentmaker's busy making tents?

Who rolls rocks for the rockroller's daughter
While the rockroller's busy rolling rocks?

Just atwanging his guitar
And being most rectangular
Now we know that the rockroller
Must roll rocks
But while he's rocking and rolling
Who supplies her yocks?
Who rolls rocks for the rockroller's daughter
While the rockroller's busy rolling rocks?

Who plays house with the housekeeper's daughter
While the housekeeper's busy keeping house?
I'm usually out myself
I know they can't afford a maid
And they can't call up the ladies' aid

Yes, but you know that the housekeeper
Must keep house
And that child ain't busy
Reading Mickey Mouse
So who keeps house with the housekeeper's daughter
While the housekeeper's busy house?

I mean while the rockroller's busy rolling rocks?
Yes sir
While the caretaker's busy taking care?