Hank Thompson
"Guthrie" lyrics


I was on my way
From Dodge that day
I was going home again
My Indian bride
Was by my side
When I rode in
To Guthrie

Big Jim Brady ran the town
The saloon and the gambling hall
The general store
And several more
Ae ran them all
In Guthrie

With the horses tied
I went inside
And was buying fresh supplies
Outside the door
I heard a rifle roar
To my surprise
In Guthrie

I rushed outside
And my wife cried
Jim Brady's been around
He was like a fiend
Both drunk and mean
So I shot him down
In Guthrie

I quickly run
And grabbed the gun
And stood where Big Jim lay
Those who came
Gave me the blame
So I ran away
From Guthrie

I knew my bride
Was justified
In such a circumstance
But an Indian's word
Would not be heard
She'd have no chance
In Guthrie

All through the night
I rode with fright
Through hills and chaparral
But the marshall knew
This country too
He was on my trail
From Guthrie

When noon was high
He was drawing nigh
I heard his six-gun ring
Then the marshall swore
By the badge he wore
"I'll see you swing
In Guthrie"

So now I dwell
In a prison cell
And an Indian girl will cry
To the hangman's tree
They'll carry me
And it's here I'll die
In Guthrie

Authors: Hank Thompson