Hank Williams
"A Home In Heaven" lyrics

A Home In Heaven

Around me many are building
Homes of beauty and wealth
But what of a home in heaven
Where will you live after death

Are you building a home in heaven
To live in when this life is over
Will you move to that beautiful city
And live with Christ ever more

Long is the road that leads you
To that beautiful land up there
Is work on your home completed
Death may be lingering near

Are you building a home in heaven
To live in when this life is over
Will you move to that beautiful city
And live with Christ ever more

Are you ready for His coming
Have you been true all along
Have you finished your building in glory
Will you move to your heavenly home

Are you building a home in heaven
To live in when this life is over
Will you move to that beautiful city
And live with Christ ever more