Hank Williams
"The Prodigal Son" lyrics

The Prodigal Son

A prodigal son
Once strayed from his father
To travel a land
Of hunger and pain
And now I can see
The end of my journey
I'm going to heaven again

I leave you the day
To help all your neighbors
I leave you the night
To solemnly pray
So try to repent
And ask for forgiveness
We'll meet up in heaven someday

Goodbye to this world
With all of its sorrows
Goodbye to the fields
That I used to roam
For I'm going away
Where life is eternal
My Shepherd is calling me home

From out of the sky
He's coming to meet me
To wash all my sins
And call me His own
His servants will bring
A ring for my finger
And never no more will I roam

And now I must go
Back home to my maker
Where kindness and love
Will make us as one
So try to be strong
If you're ever empty
Just remember the prodigal son