Jerry Reed
"Framed" lyrics


I was walking down the street
Kinda minding my own affairs
When the policeman walked up to me
Kinda unaware
He said, "Son, is your name Jerry Reed?"
I said, "Why sure"
He said, "What do you know, son?
You're the one we've been looking for"
I said, "Uh uh"

I'm being framed
I'm being framed
I said officer
I don't never do nothing wrong
But I always get the blame
I get framed

He took me down to the lineup
And let the bright lights shine
There was nine other poor souls
With me up there in that line

But I had a feeling I was a victim
Of somebody's evil plan
Cause this woman pointed her finger at me
And said, "That skinny one, he's the man"
I said, "Uh uh, woman"

I'm being framed
Lord, I'm being framed
I said, "Woman
I don't ever do nothing wrong
But honey, I always get the blame
I get framed"

Well, then the prosecuting attorney
Started prosecuting on me
Started jumping up and down stomping his feet
Giving me the third degree
He said, "Son, where was you
On the night of October twenty-nine"
I said, "I was down at Tootsie's"
He said, "Judge, that man is lying"
I said, "No, I ain't"

I'm being framed
Being framed
I said, "Judge
I don't ever do nothing wrong
But I always get the blame"

Well, I denied the charges
Of carrying that big old fourty-four
I even denied the charges
Of robbing that liquor store
I denied the charges
Of being drunk and disorderly too
But when the judge said, "Step forward, son"
Well, I staggered to my feet
I walked across the floor
I tripped and I fall
And my gun went off
And shot a hole in the bottom of my boots
And I said, "Judge

I've been framed
Your Honor, I'm being framed"
I said, "I don't never do nothing wrong
Your Honor
But I always get the blame
I get framed"

I said, "Judge
I been framed"
He said, "Son, well, you look a lot
Like an eight by ten"
Ha, ha, ha
I turned to my attorney
And I said, "Appeal, appeal"
He said, "That's right, boy
You're a peel
With a capital P"