Jerry Reed
"My Next Impersonation" lyrics

My Next Impersonation

Now, for my first impersonation, friends
I would like to do for you
A simple loving family man
With a simple attitude
See him loved by friends and neighbors
See the self-respect he gains
See him warm
See him tender
Watch him change

Now, for my next impersonation
I'd like to do a restless man
Who now holds wine and night life
In his inexperienced hands
See him juggling all the pieces
As he tries to grab them all
See him tempted
See him falter
Watch him fall

But stick around, friends
Cause the best is yet to come
When you see my impression of a man
Who's a steady crying
Nail chewing
Chain smoking bum

Well, friends, I see you
Have seen enough
And you're ready to go
So let me hear one rousing cheer
As I close my show
With this portrait of a wasted fool
Who let his world slip by
See him crawl
See him crumble
Hear him cry

But stick around, friends
Cause the best is yet to come
When you see my impression of a man
Who's a steady crying
Nail chewing
Chain smoking bum

Well, friends, I see you
Have seen enough
And you're ready to go
So let me hear one rousing cheer
As I close my show
With this portrait of a wasted fool
Who let his world slip by
See him crawl
See him crumble
Hear him cry

And for my last impersonation
Watch him die