Jerry Reed
"The Boogie King" lyrics

The Boogie King

Well, now he rolled into High Point
North Carolina
In a nineteen-twenty-nine Chevrolet
Cut down coupe
Sporting them alligator sneakers
And wearing that real bright
Outta sight tight fitting
Double knit and pinstriped suit

He said, "Folks, I come
From Hump Alabama
My old man played doghouse bass
And he was outta sight
He taught me how to do my thing
Making music in a redneck joint
Every Friday and Saturday night"

Said, "People call me
The boogie king
I like to make all
Of God's chilling things
Stand back, woman
Let me do my thing"

Uh, careful
I'm gonna lay my Saturday night move on you

Well, now he come on
So strong with them pearly teeth
And them tailor made clothes
And all that slick black hair
That he had all them folks
Around High Point, North Carolina
Just scratching their heads
Saying, "I declare"

Well, before too long
He done opened a joint
On the edge of town
Called the King Of Clubs
Out on Highway One
Where all the folks including the mayor
And his cute little wife
Used to come every night
And just dig all the fun

People really dug
On the boogie king
They liked to hear the boy
Pick and sing
They got all tore up
When he done his thing
Oh, don't get close to me, honey
I might rub off on you
Oh, son

Well, the boogie king
He just rocked right along
And the town folks thought
He done found him a home
And was settling down
Until the day the boy turned up gone
And so did all of the money
From the local bank downtown

Well, the police said
"My, it sure looked strange
The day old boogie king up and left town
All the money left too"
But they said
"Whoever done it
Really knowed his stuff
Cause he was slick enough to get in there
And get it
And not leave a clue"

But I'll bet you
In another little town somewhere
There's a fast talking devil
With slick black hair
Making all them women say
"Well, I declare"
He calls his self
The boogie king

Ah, come in there sideways, son
With them hot licks
Honey, they call me killer dealer
Ha, ha, ha
The Nashville thriller
He, he, he, he, he
How'd you like that move
I laid on you there, huh?
You can't get that
At your local Five And Dime

Authors: Jerry Reed Hubbard