"Sammy The Spider" lyrics

Sammy The Spider

Sammy the spider was on a mission
To move from the bathroom to the kitchen
He gathered his things and put them in a bag
Said goodbye to his mom and dad

His forty-seven siblings begged
"Stay here instead"
But he went ahead
And slid down his spider web
Like a gun slinger in the old wild west
He clinched his teeth
And squinted his eyes
And dared the world to put him to the test

Sammy the spider
Sure was a tiger
He pulled his knee socks up higher
All eight of them
He was on a mission
From the bathroom to the kitchen
He was a real fighter
Sammy the spider

The hallway opened up like the great unknown that day
A vast expanse in which many a spider lost his way
His nerves were jumpy
As he cleared the hall
He turned the corner
And that's when he saw

A shadow cast
A menacing shape
It looked like a monster
Complete with a cape
He snuck and he creeped
And karate chopped with his hands
Just to discover
It was nothing other
Than a dust ball back lit by a lamp

Sammy the spider
Sure was a tiger
He pulled his knee socks up higher
All eight of them
He was on an expedition
An impossible mission
He was real fighter
Sammy the spider

Tired and thirsty
He began to lose heart
Just a sad spider
Alone in the dark
He pulled a tattered picture out of his bag
He could almost hear those glistening counters
And lovely painted cabinets whisper
"Come on, Sammy, keep moving ahead"

So he pulled up his britches
And held his head up high
He focused all four eyes
And kept them on the prize
He didn't flinch at shadows
He just passed em by
Weary and exhausted
He kept on walking
Until he finally arrived

Sammy the spider
Sure was a tiger
He pulled his knee socks up higher
All eight of them
He completed his mission
He made it to the kitchen
He was real fighter
That Sammy the spider

Sammy's got an apartment
In the sky rise of the kitchen
With children of his own now
His parents come and visit