Johnny Cash
"Reflections" lyrics


Never in this world before
Or nevermore hereafter
Could a land know such a people
As the pioneer, the cowboy

His clothes, his conversation
His unique brand of lingo
All his devil deeds of daring
His hat, his bandana
The dirty boots and ragged chaps
But mainly that sixgun dangling
So's his hand could get it quickly

But draw your own conclusions
Lean to your own understandings
Your beliefs and your convictions
Disprove any fact recorded
In these sounds
And songs and legends
But I ask you if you do
Be sure you've walked in many mocassins
Over many, many pathways
And that you have listened carefully
Really listened to the west wind
And to everything it whispers

And then go back and listen
Listen to this once more
To these legends and traditions
They're only one reflection
Of a tick of time of that time

Just ponder on the things that happened
As we gaze so very deeply
In the time and place and persons
Seeing now and then
The west as it really was
And to tell you of a little
That we saw there

And looking backward
Through a century
There was the true west
There was the real true west
Not demanding an argument
But rather hoping
You looked with us
And saw it as we saw it

And heard that west wind screaming
Shouting, almost speaking
Always whispering of these things
We sang and spoke of
And you'll hear perhaps the things
That we said in the stories
And the legends and traditions

Through the wind that breeze these tales
Of the ones who never made it
Yet fighting heat and mountains
Plains and valleys
Snow and hunger
They went westward