Turn on the speak
It's the first time I get to talk on the speak
Cause you know, okay
Darn those smart alec
Crazy cajun boy
Come in to my nice clean kitchens
And get into my pantry
Get my blackberry jim jam
That I'd pick blackberries
And make a jim jam
In the winter time
To take out on the shrimping boat
And bring in a folding wads
Of wonderous waddy
For my little wienies
And they come in to my blackberry jim jam
In the pantry
And get them all over
The nice clean kitchen
Table cloth
The smart alec cajun boy
Will play the music
Well, the gulf it got
A grassy bottom setting
Where the rock is there
And that's where I've been going
For the shrimping sailing
Leaping across the grassy moss
Bringing in a briny bin
Making folds of wonderous waddy
For the living that I'm loving
Where they creep and crawl
And flip and flap
And flob and dangle dobbing
Sponge a fouler drag them holler
More a course the ocean horse
Well, the gulf it got
A grassy bottom setting
Where the rock is there
And that's where I've been going
For the shrimping sailing
Till it's time to holler haul them
And come back in with the briny bin
Of soddy bodies dressed in dandy
Eating carmel candy
Making me and all by babies
Folding wads of wondrous waddy
For the living that I'm loving
In between the shrimping sailing
Gulf, it got a grassy bottom setting
Where the rock is there
Leaping across the grassy moss
Bringing in a briny bin
Making folds of wonderous waddy
For the living that I'm loving
Where they creep and crawl
And flip and flap
And flob and dangle dobbing
Sponge a fouler drag them holler
More a course the ocean horse
Till it's time to holler haul them
Come back in with the briny bin
Of soddy bodies dressed in dandy
Carmel candy eating chicken
Finger licking, dancing, rancing
Mancing, tancing
Making me and all by babies
Folding wads of wonderous waddy