Johnny Cash
"The Ballad Of Boot Hill" lyrics

The Ballad Of Boot Hill

Here lies less more
Four slugs from a forty-four
No less, no more

Out in Arizona
Just south of Tucson
Where tumbleweeds tumble
In search of a home

There's a town they call Tombstone
Where the brave never cry
They live by a sixgun
By a sixgun they die

It's been a long time now
Since the town was a boom
The jailhouse is empty
So's the Palace saloon

Just one look will tell you
That this town was real
A secluded old dirt road
Leads up to Boot Hill

Walk up to the fence there
And look at the view
That's where they were hanging
Eighteen eighty-two

It's easy to see where
The brave men have died
Rope marks on the oak tree
Are now petrified

At night when the moon shines
So far away
It gets mighty lonesome
Looking down on their graves

There lies Billy Clanton
Never wanted to kill
But he's there with the guilty
Way up on Boot Hill