Johnny Cash
"The Bug That Tried To Crawl Around The World" lyrics

The Bug That Tried To Crawl Around The World

Now you've heard of folks
With a lot of ambition
But I believe
Just about the biggest case of ambition
I ever saw
Was in a bug
That I saw crawling
Along the beach one day
He was a mighty ambitious bug

On the beach one early morning
As a day was newly dawning
And the sun again was warming
All the chill throughout the land

I saw me a bug a walking
And at first I thought he was quaking
Then I found out he was talking
While he crawled across the sand

He was crawling mighty straight
At a slow but a steady gait
And when I asked him to wait
He said, "Oh, come on, crawl with me"
But I said, "Where you going?"
And he said, "You'll be knowing
For I'm gonna make a showing
And you'll someday see

Well, I stood there by the ocean
I suddenly had the notion
That I start this big promotion
So this challenge I enfirled"
Said the bug
"So I gave my wife a hug
And I left my confy rug
So I could be the only bug
That ever crawled around the world"

Well, he seemed mighty small
And it was a long way to crawl
And I'm sure he couldn't swim at all
So I try to discourage my friend

I said, "You know the world is round
And there's mighty lotta ground
And there some water to be found
Before you reach your journey's end"

And he said, "Now don't you fret
There's problems to be met
But I'll make it you can bet
And this deed will bring glory to my name

You know they said man would never fly
Now he's soaring in the sky
Cause he had the will to try
So let me win my fame"

So he crawled on out of sight
As he sought that splendoured height
Neither looking left nor right
But slowly marching toward his goal

And my knowing he had started
On his journey as we parted
Kept me from feeling too downhearted
For he was a mighty ambitious soul

Well, I've looked everywhere I've been
And seen a lotta bugs since then
But not one quite like my little friend
When I think of him I'm filled with pride

Did he make it I don't know
He was crawling mighty slow
And he had a long way to go
And all I can tell you, folks
Is that he tried
He sure was an ambitious bug