Tammy Wynette
"Jackson Ain't A Very Big Town" lyrics

Jackson Ain't A Very Big Town

At nine
We get married
Friends all say
It's a shame
And disgrace

That he's loved every woman
In Jackson
But Jackson
Ain't a very big place

We'll go walking
I'll count each one
With a tear
On her face

Then I'll know just how many think
I'm lucky
Cause Jackson
Ain't a very big place

Yes, Jackson
Is a mighty small town
Where gossips
And rumors go round

But the gossips
Are the ones he turned down
And Jackson
Ain't a very big town

Yes, Jackson
Is a mighty small town
Where gossips
And rumors go round

But the gossips
Are the ones he turned down
And Jackson
Ain't a very big town

Authors: Vic McAlpin