The Rolling Stones
"Prodigal Son" lyrics

Prodigal Son

Well, a poor boy took his father's bread
And started down the road
Started down the road
Took all he had
And started down the road
Going out in this world
Where God only knows
And that'll be the way to get along

Well, poor boy spent all he had
Famine come in the land
Famine come in the land
Spent all he had
And famine come in the land
Said, "I believe I'll go
And hire me to some man"
And that'll be the way I'll get along

Well, man said
"I'll give you a job
For to feed my swine
For to feed my swine
I'll give you a job
For to feed my swine"
Boy stood there
And hung his head and cried
Cause that is no way to get along

Said, "I believe I'll ride
Believe I'll go back home
Believe I'll go back home
Believe I'll ride
Believe I'll go back home
Or down the road
As far as I can go"
And that'll be the way to get along

Well, father said
"See my son
Coming home to me
Coming home to me"
Father ran
And fell down on his knees
Said, "Sing and praise
Lord have mercy on me"

Oh, poor boy
Stood there
Hung his head and cried
Hung his head and cried
Poor boy stood
And hung his head and cried
Said, "Father will you look on me as a child?"

Well father said
"Eldest son
Kill the fatted calf
Call the family round
Kill that calf
And call the family round
My son was lost
But now he is found
Cause that's the way for us to get along"